President-Elect Phil Rosenberg has announced divisional chairs and areas of responsibility for the Board’s incoming leadership team

Board of Deputies Leadership Team

Following his election on Sunday and after discussions with the other incoming Honorary Officers, President-elect Phil Rosenberg has designated the following areas of responsibility for members of the Board’s leadership team:

Phil Rosenberg

Phil Rosenberg will be the President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews for the 2024-2027 Triennium.


Adrian Cohen

Incoming Senior Vice President Adrian Cohen will chair the Board’s International Division


Andrew Gilbert

Incoming Vice President @andrewgilbert1 will chair the Board’s Defence and Group Relations Division, which is proposed to be to re-named as the Security, Resilience and Cohesion Division, incorporating health & resilience work.


Jeremy Michelson

Incoming Vice President Jeremy Michelson will chair the Board’s Community and Education Division.


Ben Crowne

Incoming Treasurer Ben Crowne will chair the Finance and Organisation Division, which is proposed to be re-named as the Finance, Fundraising and Organisation Division.

The new Honorary Officer team will officially begin their roles at the start of the new triennium, which will begin on June 1st.

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