Adam Ma'anit

Adam Ma’anit

Adam Ma’anit is part of the Public Affairs team at the Board of Deputies where he heads up our digital communications work, social media and special projects. He has also served as Interfaith Relations and Social Action Manager. He currently leads our partnership with the ADL to develop innovative resources to help combat antisemitism in schools, including researching and writing education materials, and developing software solutions.

Adam oversees much of the Board’s work with social media companies, regulatory authorities such as Ofcom and the ICO, parliamentary work on terrorism, antisemitism, and tech policy, as well as our work with law enforcement bodies, and the CST. He is the Board’s representative on the World Jewish CongressOnline Hate Working Group, and has recently joined the Advisory Council of the WJC’s new Institute for Technology and Human Rights dedicated to addressing the rise of online hate, enhancing human rights, and harnessing technology for positive societal impact. 

Previous to his work at the Board, Adam has worked in a variety of roles including founder, trustee, manager, campaigner, editor, and consultant for a number of charities and non-profit organisations in the fields of climate change, refugee & relief work, human rights, environment, development, and international trade and investment policy. He has lived and worked in the Netherlands, India, USA, Israel, Nepal and Kenya, and currently resides in (mostly) sunny Brighton, UK.

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