OFSTED’s Dr Richard Kueh, who leads on the inspection of Religious Education in schools, addressed more than 70 participants at a SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) conference for Jewish SACRE representatives, hosted by the Board of Deputies last week. SACREs are the local bodies that advise Local Authorities on Religious Education which is compulsory in all state-funded schools.
The conference, of Jewish SACRE representatives, Deputies and teacher-training students from throughout the country, explored the question “Worldviews- Where do we stand?” Worldviews is a new, broader term for religious education.
Dr Sheila Gewolb, chair of the Board of Deputies education working group, Cumbria and Torbay SACRE member and an officer of the national SACRE body, explained the rationale behind the conference which was to upskill Jewish representatives on SACREs throughout England and Wales to ensure high quality Jewish education for non-Jewish students.
Dr Kueh clarified the role of Ofsted when inspecting Religious Education in schools, and Ruth Flanagan ( teacher-trainer at Exeter University) encouraged and engaged participants in a reflective and thoughtful session on the differing perceptions of ‘Worldviews’.
Participants had the opportunity to network virtually and to share ideas and best practice. There will be further conferences for Jewish representatives on SACREs.
Board of Deputies President Marie van der Zyl said: “The Board of Deputies has been actively recruiting Jewish SACRE members, particularly in areas where there is not a significant Jewish population, so that Judaism is presented all over the country and potential barriers between communities are broken down. We are very grateful to all our Jewish SACRE representatives and look forward to working with them even more closely in the future.”
Board of Deputies Director of Communities Dawn Waterman, Education Consultant Sandra Teacher and Regional Manager Sara Radivan attended.
Photo: Dr Richard Kueh