Board of Deputies condemns Corbyn campaign video as a ‘slap in the face for Jews’

Board of Deputies President Jonathan Arkush has condemned a Jeremy Corbyn campaign video as a ‘slap in the face for Jews’.

He said: “Does Jeremy Corbyn believe, as he has said publicly many times recently, that the Labour Party will do everything it can to expunge antisemitism from the Labour Party?

“Or does he agree with the man in his own officially endorsed campaign video that the accusations of antisemitism are really only his detractors ‘losing the political argument’ who have ‘nothing to come back with other than those accusations’? Or with the man who throws away a piece of paper symbolising the issue. This looks like a direct slap in the face to Jews.

“Mr Corbyn needs to answer these questions urgently so that we know whether he really is a committed anti-racist or whether, astonishingly, he endorses a sentiment that gives a free pass to racism against Jews.”

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